even if i know i'm acting like the people in the movies. those ones who are frustratingly naive
and give everything all the chances to hurt them. and you sit there yelling at them to wake up wake up and see whats there in front of them. staring them in the face. sizing them up. glaring at their victim. meanwhile our heroine stares blankly at the face of danger as if under a spell of love unto her captor.
you lay like a snake does next to its prey. and everyday grows more sure of its ability to swallow it up. how docile and submissive to let you lay and know more and more of how you can attack me. and how i will let you.
everyday my heart gets a little more frayed around its edges and you tug more and more on the unravelling strings.
it will never break.
it will never beat.
once you have seized all the thread,
there will be nothing left.
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