At the moment I will agree with that despite having an end to look forward to. So today, boys and girls, the real question is, why does our generation live pre-Enlightenment and believe the earth is a flat asphalt surface, perhaps akin to a basketball court with imprisoning lockers? Us who are supposedly (hopefully) edging society further and further away from convention and dreaded conformity are actually jumping into the laps of others we despise yet inadvertently worship to make these days eclipse our brutal teenage angst. As much as we may choose to deny this, the question still remains. I know this, because of the people who behind the alias of a FB profile claim to be indifferent to school yard bullying and rumors as they leave the school.
Highschool is pain. Let us consult the seven stages of grief...
1) Shock and denial. As above
2) Pain and guilt. For our actions - highschool has been known to break individuals down to a ductile and placid state of compliance
3)Anger and bargaining - classic teenage rebellion.
4)Depression, reflection and loneliness. " I worked out that I can buy 4 liters of goon for $20..."
5)The upward turn. Exams are over, light is seen, that biatch you hate god wasted and macked on with some loser.
6)Reconstruction and working through. Your adolescent blindfold is removed. You discover the earth is of spherical nature and adjust your outlook accordingly.
7)Acceptance and hope. Its over. You've made it out with relatively inconspicuous emotional scarring but all in all it was a generally character building experience.
... Perhaps after crossing over it was not so bad after all! Kanye West tells us " that that that don't kill me, only makes me stronger" and to confirm this we can consult any American rite-of-passage film that will no doubt depict a wayward highschooler with a Disney ending.
This, it seems is the way adolescence should be viewed and not as some mortifying coming of age necessity. I'll be the first to put my hand up to killing off the whinging, puffy eyed and boy crazy version of myself, however being in my last year I will lament the loss of riveting school yard drama and the infinite debate of who copied who's hairstyle first and a cute uniform.
Therefore, comrades, let us refrain from throwing ourselves on the floor like eight year old's when the wheel of fortune doesn't turn our way and instead try to look older than our ages until we turn 18 and can speed away leaving highschool to bite our dust.

On an unrelated note, apparently Taylor Momsen is leaving her character Jenny on Gossip Girl to focus on her singing. Why oh why would she jeopardize her popularity like that? Lest we forget those who have fallen from the prestigious A-List or at least permanently wounded their cred after tampering with fame and fluctuating from screen to song. Li-Lo, Miss Duff, Miss Holly Valance, Mrs Johanson. Taylor, we understand you are a rebel and do not want to be considered a role model, but it is not necessary to walk a haunted route to prove your point. Lets not be hasty.

You know what they say, they are just jealous xx
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