Feb the fourteenth, to be precise. I'm pretty sure it claimed to act as some sort of fortune magnet when you put it on, and then eventually when you have accumulated a sufficient amount of fortune, thus becoming fortunate, it falls off. And only in the last week has my bracelet began to deteriorate and maybe fall of in the near future. But to be honest I'm a bit hazy on what it really indicates.
Is it like, you have had enough fortunate things happen to you? You have reached the maximum number of fortunate situations and are no longer allowed assistance (if more is required go and pay $2 for another one). Or is it that you are now fortunate, and will continue to be? Maybe its just tricking you into perceiving the events of your life differently?
I don't know if I am any more fortunate than I was any number of months ago.
Like, there are so many fluctuating things going on all the time, how do you know which is better than the others? If it rains and ruins your day, is it fortunate because its an indication that the world is not turning to a burning hunk of shit because of global warming?
Fortune bracelet, tell me... will the proof be in the pudding or is the beauty in the eye of the beholder goddamn it.
Nevertheless, I suggest you invest $2 in this little universal talisman. Because, if anything it tricks you into being more susceptible to stumbling across happy, if relatively small in the grand scheme of things, that go on in your own life.
And you feel precious and lucky, and like your life is imbued with beauty and rarity, if only temporarily. Even if its just because the sun got up with you today, and when it set it made a pretty colour on the pavement.
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