Heya Playa,
I have returned from the vast and forgiving week that was schoolies, fantasies fulfilled, somewhat tanned however at the same time depressed because I don't think I will ever experience the same intense partying that it provided. Actually I'm devastated. But whatevs, time heals all wounds. ( Look at me, being accepting and reasonable now that I am a woman of eighteen.)
Okay so you wouldn't think that schoolies of all places would be the environment where true love blossoms, but alas, as am I, you are wrong.
I know. Random right.
So anyway it seems the atmosphere of fleeting pleasures and desires, amplified by the happiness and relief of finishing school and copious amounts of alcohol (naturally) was the prime condition to find a suitable suitor. Not for me but for my ever searching sister who, in Melbourne was not so lucky-in-love as many hope to be. But on tequila, (also know as te-almost-killed-me) night, she met someone. Yeah nothing spesh, everybody meets someone on schoolies I know, but, after their meeting they continued to be together like a proper couple. Monogamous.
This is like, defying the laws of gravity. And they did this THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW. Seriously, you could expect less from a christmas miracle. Shocking as it sounds, they continue to be cute and say cute things and miss each other proceeding the cold and sober reality that is home and routine. To be honest I can't really get my head around this one. Okay so maybe this doesn't read as shocking as it is in reality, so I will try and contextualise it. Picture easy, drunk girls throwing themselves at you like its going out of fashion. Bikinis. Vodka. Nightclubs. Relationships on schoolies breaks. Boys who literally run away when you tell them you are not planning on having sex with them. ANYTHING goes.
But these two opted to stay in on the couch watching TV TWO nights in a row.
Love really is a mystery I do not understand.
Schoolies did teach me some important and invaluable life lessons though, through both first hand and indirect experiences. For instance, if you are connected, you can get away with being seedy. Single guys will only rarely tolerate girls with boyfriends. Just because you have made it through year 12 and are on schoolies, this does not make you immune to the consequences of a 7 day bender. Never judge a trashy girl, she may be you soon enough. Sober guys are frigid and shy 90% of the time, on the other hand drunk guys are as predictable as getting wet in the rain. Boys + alcohol really show you who your friends are. Being 18 is actually the shittttttt!!!! The reckless abandon of youth is frikken sexy. Befriend all enforcers of authority (inc security guards, bouncers, cops, liquor store clerks ect)
See how wise I am?

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