Saturday, October 22, 2011

i think about you and i know that ill always come running back even if you give me every reason not to.

even if i know i'm acting like the people in the movies. those ones who are frustratingly naive
and give everything all the chances to hurt them. and you sit there yelling at them to wake up wake up and see whats there in front of them. staring them in the face. sizing them up. glaring at their victim. meanwhile our heroine stares blankly at the face of danger as if under a spell of love unto her captor.

you lay like a snake does next to its prey. and everyday grows more sure of its ability to swallow it up. how docile and submissive to let you lay and know more and more of how you can attack me. and how i will let you.

everyday my heart gets a little more frayed around its edges and you tug more and more on the unravelling strings.

it will never break.

it will never beat.

once you have seized all the thread,

there will be nothing left.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

i wanna be cool i wanna be cool!

i do, i wanna be the cool skinny girl, decked out in the best high heels, towering over every building, larger than life lashes, killing with looks...pouting for peace and winning the war with fashion.

i want youth to be in my eyes forever and for them to sparkle so in the dark. to stop traffic and start politics.

but there is only one way to go. you can run forever and burn all the calories you could dream of, but where would you get to? who would be waiting there to greet you?

bones and trees and an army of skanks just like you who are weary from running. and then you wouldn't be cool, you'd just be ordinary.

Friday, March 18, 2011

did that actually happen?

I really do wanna be that really cool girl who looks good in photos and is effortlessly funny and charmingly indifferent and refreshingly independent.
Not someone who is told that "first impressions count, and good impressions go along way. I like your hair so don't piss me off."

Ah yeah alright. How do you respond to that?

Obviously not by asking more repetitious questions because you still don't understand.

Uni and me are not friends.

I want someone to plagiarise me and then be found out and then I know. That would really make my week.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oh my god. What a life.

Lets put our sympathetic and melodramatic hats on for the minute because a) its the first day of university and b) shit just got serious.

You know how when people asked you "what do you want to be when you grow up?" you were expected to look all starry eyed and wondrous and be like "ahh well I want to be a fire fighter and a veterinarian like my barbie is and also a ballerina", at university its like "please students refer to the solidifying block of concrete around your ankles affixing you to your chosen career forever and ever so help you God if you change your mind, and while were on the topic, is journalism really for you?"
Well it was until it encompassed your limbs and demanded a permanent decision from you, today.

Not to mention the first weekly reading assigned to your new, dangerous subject casually mentions the fatalities and casualties involving journalists for the years 2003 & 5 and also incorporates an anecdotal account from a journalist who LOST HER EYE on the job.
mmmhmmm first day jitters are all part of the experience!

Last year, when the popular threat was merely perpetuated shame and humiliation as a result of your efforts in the VCE, my resolution was to "take it one day at a time."
Apt, I feel, to a situation lacking in the current immobilising sinking ship that is the onset of unit guides and readings and assessments.

Thus, in order to move from my own personal tertiary titanic and onto the wild party boat currently situated in uncharted waters heading for Ibiza that everybody else seems to be aboard, I am going to play the hand I've been dealt.
Get over that I am by myself in the middle of nowhere with no friends.
Am currently killing time in the library like a total loser.
Do not own any prescribed texts.
And am broke.

Hopefully the key to eventual success is in the guise of a poker face and strategic game playing.
Steaks are raised.

Friday, February 25, 2011

First thing to go is your inhibitions,
next thing to go is your clothes.
Your notion of sound.
Your sense of decorum.
Your better judgement, any pessimistic or realistic thought processes.
Your self righteousness.
Your sense of loneliness.

Get thrilled.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

r.i.p self. haha

At the risk of sounding like a vain, vapid, superficial creature who is god willing to be subject to gender related inferiority and treated like a petty and useless girl whose single good use is to be sat on the knee of a dominant male while my arms and mouth are puppeteered by him, let me say this...

Maybe, maybe the reason men get paid more than women, and sometimes valued higher than their female counter parts in the workplace is because they do a better job? In the real world women do tend to rely on men.
Not saying women can't be independent, sisters be doing it for themselves everywhere, however, isn't it true that you ladies find it flattering and romantic when your date pays for your movie/lunch/coffee? Or otherwise scandalous if you are obliged to spilt the bill?
Do you not find mowing the lawn/DIY shelving/checking the oil in your car dirty and laborious?

And don't you think that, if we really were equal, bloke-y drinks and girly drinks would be priced the same at bars? I mean, you can get a pot for like $5, but good luck finding a vodka raspberry for less than $9.

I'm not advocating a mass surrender of female independence or rights, but I mean, if your going to be a self righteous bitch feminist all the goddam time do not allow that guy to buy you a drink, lest it be beer.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

we don't need no education

Have/do/will you ever think "why do we even have to learn that? It's not like we are going to use that piece of information later in life?"

I can tell you a good 30% of my schooling life was devoted to contemplating and lamenting this concept. And within good reason.
An 'anecdote' (there you go, another random word for personal story i picked up from high school) that aptly sums up this situation occurred when I was still to inexperienced in secondary education to actually feel the full impact of the uselessness of some lessons. Our pleasant, (haha), music teacher was lecturing us on the vitality of understanding treble or bass or something. To this, my friend and maybe the funniest person in the south eastern metropolitan area replied, "why, WHY do we have to learn about this shit? It's not like I'm ever going to use this again. It's not like some dickhead with a gun is going to come up to me and hold me at gun point and be like 'oh I'm going to kill you unless you can tell me what this symbol means.' Is it? It's not going to save my life."
Bless her.

I find the period where students are subject to the most vacuous and irrelevant information is during years 9 ad 10. Where nobody, except your adorably naive parents care about the state of your information and really how you spend your 6 hours at school is, at this stage relatively unimportant.

Like who is ever going to need to know about the vikings, or how to make a freaking proabala They should be teaching us valuable things, like playground/street lingo so you don't ever find yourself in a situation where someone slips you a pill when you thought you were getting a cookie after being offered a bikkie. Now thankfully I have never found myself in that situation, but thats no thanks to the Victorian education system, I'll tell you that much.
Or stuff like, how to upload/sync your ipod/iphone/ipad. Because it is inevitable that you will end up doing something like that for you or your parents or grandparents at some stage. And how to present shop, and dress for appropriate occasions.
Or how to suppress your cravings for baked goods.
I would've benefited plenty from that lesson.

But you know what. Lets be fair. Because my life lessons have taught me diplomacy and to observe situations from an objective standpoint, let us consider the beneficial lessons of formal education. One such example is learning the art of bullshitting your way around a question, and answering vaguely and indirectly yet getting the result you want. Another lesson I fully and gratefully attribute to my schooling is my ability to be able to untangle electrical cords and find the sources of them. Without those worksheets that ask you to follow the lines that are scrambled with your pencils I may not be the technologically comfortable person I am today.
Sex ed. Thats a given. Thank you for sex ed, for teaching us about STD's and babies and bodies and things you would die before asking your parents.
And actually, now that I think about it, all that random information I have retained from school is actually pretty good to bring up in conversations when you want to sound cultured and educated and refined.
Without which, I may find myself betraying a grievous amount of my inner bogan/immature baby.

Quelle catostrophe!

Monday, January 17, 2011

todays love

Sometimes I want to ask "where do you think this is going?"
Not to be demanding or demeaning or critical at all, but just because I am genuinely (and impartially) curious. I'll confess, I never do because I'm worried of the answer. I'm not scared of hearing "nowhere fast" but of placing undue emphasis on the destination and not the journey.

So think about it. If you knew how your relationship was going to end, be it 5 years or 5 days into the future, would you leave now and spare yourself the waiting? That would be the practical thing, wouldn't it, because this isn't the love thats going to be permeant. Not the love that will tie up all loose ends. Not the one that you were aspiring to.
But does that make it any less valuable or precious?
I mean, lets be honest. Life is generally shit. Whether its bad luck, karma, coincidence or mistakes its hard to sustain a smile on your face for more than a few days at a time. And if you can you are an insincere liar with an agenda.
The happiness generated from relationships is so powerful it can change people. It can loosen their morals, betray their families, de-rail the teachings of religion, break habits and suppress appetites. Why would anyone want to forfeit these unparalleled emotions just because its not the love thats going to be recognised by the state.
Even if you discover that there are only 15 days of bliss left for you and your (perhaps) temporarily beloved, shouldn't you relish in the euphoria of what is between you for those last days?

It only matters that it makes you happy. For this day, for this hour, this minute. This one second.

Today I'm happy.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

the bed you made

talk to me about regret.
talk to me about mother fucking regret because I can educate you like no one can.

It starts with falling from euphoria.
Failing your better judgement and the normal perimeters of your boundaries.
Its sustained by speculation. And judgement. The kind of judgement you would pass if it was roles reversed.
And then its all pity, prose, nonsense, devastation, ignorance, idiocy, trashiness, self disrespect and damage from there on out.
Your that person you didn't want to be.
It ends in reminders and awareness. Hindsight and its constant backlash.
And something unfortunate. Like excess and deficit.

I know everything. That damp, sick feeling in your stomach and the back of your throat. Wishes. Prayers that you are able to wake up from this nightmare. Paranoia, when you hear anything thinking those whispers are publicly taking apart you.

You think for one minute that maybe being reassured that there are people that love you regardless will take the edge off. But the forgiveness of others just makes it harder for you to forgive yourself. You cant love someone who would do this to you.
You are the one keeping that photo reel turning in your mind. Putting those actions on repeat. Hooking yourself up to that drip of a slow release dose of anguish. Your playing the good cop and the bad cop interrogating yourself.

You are guilty.
i regret sloth, bingeing, not respecting myself, not being more considerate of others, complaining about not having to spend time with family and having to miss a party, my indecisiveness, ignoring something beautiful, holding my tongue, vanity, greed and being superficial.

I know you have to make your own mistakes. But take the road less travelled and dont end up a mess.

Monday, January 10, 2011

on your marks

So we are way well into 2011. Blogging has been slack. I have binged about 20 thou times already, thrown a few tantrums and am broke. Like, in debt without a cent in my wallet.
La la la laaaaarve you 2011.

Nah actually i'll take that back, (if we can allow that very childish move to absolve that naive statement). Alriiight, 2011 lets be honest. It is not your fault that I am in a bit of a compromising situation. It's actually mine own, that is, lack of self control, immaturity, laziness, appetite, material conscious ect. I cant believe people my age enter a new year, and each year beg for the new to bring prosperity, happiness, luck and strength to carry on with their resolutions and for them not to dissolve with their hangovers whilst being devoured along with a mountain of carbs. Fucken carbs.
But later on only to realise that the same old bullshit occurs because they are in the same longing and forlorn state of mind and will not change.
Passivity is killing us slowly. And giving us a shitty year. Not actually the date or chinese zodiac.

Hows that for new years wisdom. cheeaahh.

And besides, 2011 has actually impressed me somewhat. Specifically, the amazing new years celebration that ill admit I was a little bit sceptical about. Also that my phone plan can be updated and is pretty incredible now. And I didn't even have to do anything. I've already found a sick $20 sale and I baked a cake today that was scrumptious. I got a late birthday present, have finished an entire cross word (not on my own) and 2 sudoku's - solo, might I add - and finished a book in a day.

My only resolution, as it is, is to take it one day at a time.